Supporting Families
Dear parent / carer
We realise that these are challenging times for many of you and that during the course of this pandemic all of our lives have changed in many ways.
Please see attached poster which we have been asked to share with you which sets out information about support for you and your family. More information about support can be found and then by clicking on ‘additional support for me and my family’.
On returning to school, after half term, we will be looking at how we can support families in the event of a school closure, for example, with free school meals (where you are entitled). If you think you think you might be entitled to Free School Meals and have not yet claimed please use the following link to do so
If we can help in any way please do not hesitate to contact us on 01229 407470 / or via the website contact pages
Thank you for your support over this half term and your continued support going forward.
Have a restful half term.
Leeann Evans
South Cumbria Pupil Referral Service