Key Stage 2

The Key Stage 2 unit at South Cumbria Pupil Referral Service offers an inspiring, calm, and nurturing environment. We support young pupils aged 7-11 years old with a personalised curriculum that takes a holistic approach to education; meeting individual needs.

Pupils are referred to our service because mainstream education has not been successful and issues have arisen that has meant young people have not been able to reach their full potential in a particular setting. As a service we endeavour to remove any barriers that have presented themselves and support pupils to develop academically and socially to ensure success in their education.

As a team we support parents and guardians, as well as mainstream staff. One of our main aims is to help integrate pupils back into full-time mainstream school, in order to allow them to reach the potential we believe every young person has within them.

Within Key Stage 2 we aim to provide pupils with strategies to allow them to succeed in a mainstream school environment. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Working on communication strategies.
  • Working on positive, reciprocated, relationship building.
  • Working on positive emotional regulation strategies

We believe that the key to a positive and successful development of achievement is positive relationships – with our pupils, their parents / carers, and mainstream schools. We encourage fantastic communication between all parties, with our child-centred approach key to ensuring the academic success of our pupils.

Within Key Stage Two our pupils have access to a full and broad curriculum, including the core subjects of Maths and English, as well as the foundation subjects such as PSHE and Humanities.


Key Stage 2 Full Day:

9:15am-9:30am – Arrive and settling

9:30am-10:05am – Period One

10:05am-11am – Period Two

11am-11:20am – Morning break

11:20am-12:10pm – Period Three

12:10pm- 1:00pm – Period Four

1:00pm+ – End of day