The Home and Hospital Tuition Service works with young people from all key stages who need extra support at a difficult time in their lives and are unable to access education from their mainstream school.
Students are offered education at either New Grove (Barrow) or Kendal Tutorial Centre, based on a referral by their mainstream school, supported by advice medical professionals.
The curriculum covers Maths, English, Science and Art. It is intended, as much as possible, to prepare students for a successful return to their mainstream setting. Students are taught in small groups or 1:1 in a calm, supportive environment.
Students remain on the roll of their mainstream school as the service is intended as a short-term bridge. The initial placement is for a six week period.
Reviews are held approximately half termly; to which parents, school, and other agencies are invited. Academic progress, as well as specific progress against the targets set in each review, is shared at this meeting.
Liaison with other professionals (e.g. Inspira) enables the best outcome for the student to be achieved; whether that be a return to their mainstream school, a transition to alternative provision or post 16 education.