South Cumbria Pupil Referral Service
Career aspirations through careers advice and guidance
Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) at Newbridge House starts in Year 7 and continues through until Year 11. It is our vision that all students on leaving the PRU at the end of Year 11 will have developed the skills, attitudes, qualities, behaviours and self-confidence to plan their future careers. Students will follow the career pathway that best suits their individual needs and aspirations and allows them to fulfil their true potential. All students are provided with independent and impartial guidance from a variety of sources. Their learning will be progressive and they will link their subjects to a variety of careers. Students work with Teachers, Mentors, Behaviour Support Workers and Engagement Officers on enhancing their personal development and setting individual targets.
The CEIAG programme is aspirational and personalised for every student and delivered through individual provision maps. Careers education is also disseminated through all subject areas and in specifically in PSHE lessons where the careers curriculum is planned, we also have calendared events organised through PSHE to cover a wide range of subjects including CEIAG. Every week all key stage 4 take part in some form of careers lesson.
Employers play a part in these events and from September 2018 we started to have guest speakers from industries in the centre this was stilted by Covid where a lot of our employer engagement was through virtual experiences. The academic year of 2022/2023 we had a vast amount of employer encounters in the centre and we had visits and Q & A sessions with employers of micro and macro businesses, World of Work Day, visits to our local hotels, restaurants and Cafes, visitors from marketing companies, care sector, Cumbria County Council and Construction companies, visits to EDF plant in Heysham Nuclear power station, the team from Siemans conducting workshops with students, visit to the SASK at BAE as well as BAE Careers Fair.
This year we have planned the same as last year along with visits to the Career and Jobs fair and many individual led engagements. We are developing our bespoke interactions based on students’ needs and interests. This might be visiting a small businesses and meeting employees and business owners. Visiting large corporations to discuss opportunities and working on and recognising skills needed to apply to that job sector.
During Covid Year 11’s had Virtual Work Experience with Speakers for School who have worked in conjunction with Morgan Sindall. This was a 5 week programme and SCPRS have been the pilot and the first PRU in the country to complete this type of work experience. We have been able to reinstate face to face work experience this academic year and we are currently looking at work placements for year 10’s and 11’s, this may be extended work experience where students take on a role within the company. We follow KCSIE and all employers have a DBS check funded by us. In the Summer term students will have professionals conducting one-to-one interviews with our students in Year 11 some via a virtual platform and also face to face.
Every student will have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace. This is through a range of enrichment activities including visiting speakers, mentoring and enterprise schemes. Every year, from the age of 11, pupils participate in at least one meaningful encounter with an employer.
College visits take place throughout the year some students may have more than one visit depending on their individual needs. Some of the colleges we visit are Furness College, Kendal College, Lancaster & Morecambe College and the University of Cumbria.
A parent open evening where KS4 parents and students attend to look at options for post 16 is in October. Inspira are on hand with queries and information from our CEIAG working group will be there to support parents.
The Careers Leader is Michaela Kemp and can be contacted by telephone on 01229 407470, or email at:
Careers information will be reviewed March and October each year and as required.
For further information please visit the Pupil and Parent pages on this website.
Enterprise Advisor
The appointed Enterprise Advisor for the PRS is Katie Simpson. Katie will bring her business experience and professional networks to help develop and implement an effective strategy that puts opportunities with local employers at the heart of our student’s education.
Katie will help with supporting the development of the Centre, providing access and helping focus on programmes and activities, which will support young people, and encourage employer encounters and workplace experiences.
The Enterprise Advisor will also assist the Careers Leader with identifying areas for support, and recording and managing their plans for the year.
Katie is passionate about motivating young people and supporting positive outcomes and will encourage preparing our students for the world of work.
Our students have different career guidance needs at different stages. Opportunities for advice and support are tailored to the needs of each pupil. Our careers programme embeds equality and diversity considerations throughout. Our careers programme actively seeks to challenge stereotypical thinking and raise aspirations.
We keep records of the individual advice given to each student, and subsequent agreed decisions. All students have access to these records to support their career development through their Unifrog log on.
The records of advice given is integrated with those given at the previous stage of the student’s education. Records begin from the first point of contact or from the point of transition. We collect and maintain data for each pupil on their education, training or employment destinations for at least three years after they leave school. This data is used to review our school careers provision and inform development and continuous improvement.
Please view the Head Teachers end of summer term letter. Thank you.