South Cumbria Pupil Referral Service
You may find it useful to access previous exam papers to revise with. You can obtain these from the following websites, depending on the spec you are following:
It is perfectly understandable to be feeling a little stressed during this time.
If you are feeling periods of stress at all, please talk to your subject teacher, school councillor, family members, or support network to help you.
Some handy websites you can also visit for further tips and techniques to guide you through this time:
Youngminds How to deal with Exam stress
Free webinar for students on Exam Stress from Eedi
Exam Stress: Tips and techniques for keeping last-minute nerves at bay and performing at your best!
In this session, Rachel will discuss do’s and don’ts for last minute revision, tips for keeping your cool during the exam and ways to kickstart your motivation in this final stretch.
This is a recorded seminar from the summer 2022 exam series and can be accessed here:
Parents and Carers – Support your child sitting Exams – Webinars available from Kooth for Aprill 2024:
There is a large number of revision resources online, websites and mobile apps, which are available to help you with your exam preparation.
The following are some you can access:
Lastly we would like to thank all our students for their hard work and wish everyone GOOD LUCK with their exams!