Pupils – Exams


For all upcoming exam dates, please reference the Calendar

F = Foundation Paper
H = Higher Paper

Morning Exams will commence at:

9.00AM (unless advised otherwise) – HHTS Students

9.15AM (unless advised otherwise) – PRU students.

Afternoon Exams commence at 1.30PM (unless advised otherwise)

Please aim to arrive at school 15 minutes prior to the exam start time.

All students should familiarise themselves with the JCQ website http://www.jcq.org.uk/

In particular, the following documents which can be found here:

Information for Candidates – Written Examinations
Information for Candidates – Coursework
Information for Candidates – Non Examination Assessments
Information for Candidates – On-Screen Tests
Information for Candidates – Privacy Notice
Information for Candidates – Social Media


The centre will inform candidates of their centre assessed marks as a candidate is allowed to request a review of the centre’s marking before marks are submitted to the awarding body.

Any review must be undertaken before marks are submitted to the awarding body. Sufficient time will be given to candidates in order to allow them to review copies of material, as necessary, and reach a decision. The centre will also allow sufficient time for the review to be carried out, to make any necessary changes to marks and to inform the candidate of the outcome, all before the awarding body’s deadline.

Please reference the Internal Appeals Policy should you be unhappy with your marks.

Exams Policy

Exams Policy

For all other policies such as the below, please send a request email on the contact page:

  • Procedure for the emergency evacuation of the exam room
  • Exam Contingency Plan
  • Internal Appeals Policy
  • Policy covering the management of GCSE Controlled Assessments
  • Policy covering the management of NEA’s (Non Exam Assessments)
  • Disability Policy in compliance with relevant legislation
Absence from Examinations

You must attend all examinations on your individual Candidate Statement of Entry.

Misreading the timetable will not be acceptable as an explanation for absence.

If you miss an exam due to illness, you must telephone the Examinations Officer on 01229 407386 as soon as possible on the morning of the exam.

A medical certificate should be forwarded to the Examination Officer within 3 days of the exam missed.

Contingency Examination Day

Exam Contingency Plan

The designation of a ‘contingency day’ within the common examination timetable is in the event of national or local disruption to examinations.  It is part of the awarding bodies’ standard contingency planning for examination.

Summer series 2023/24 has 3 contingency days:

Thursday 6th June 2024 – PM

Thursday 13th June 2024 – PM

Wednesday 26th June 2024 – All day. 

You must ensure you are available to attend the centre up to and including this final date.

All pupils will be given an Exams Handbook during the Autumn term for reference, detailing the above information, with a copy emailed to parents.  Another will be issued when statement of entries are given out.

Students can also view this informative video:  Instructions for Candidates Video

Exam Boards

Guidance can also be sought from the 4 main exams boards the centre uses:





Should you have any questions or concerns, at any point, please do not hesitate to contact your key teacher, subject teacher, or the exams officer.