Well Being

Wellbeing matters – it is defined as the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.

 If you have good mental wellbeing (https://www.mind.org.uk/) you are able to:

  • feel relatively confident in yourself and have positive self-esteem
  • feel and express a range of emotions
  • build and maintain good relationships with others
  • feel engaged with the world around you
  • live and work productively
  • cope with the stresses of daily life
  • adapt and manage in times of change and uncertainty

 If you don’t feel good about yourself then you won’t be able to perform at your best level however we all have times where we just don’t feel okay and that’s allowed.  What matters is to recognise in yourself and others when things are good and when they are not so good.  It’s important to know how you can look after your own wellbeing and if you can, how to support others.

If you need any support just ask, as looking after yourself is the most important thing you can do.


Mental Health Resources

Access to many useful telephone numbers and websites.

Visit Info

Online Mental Health Support for Students

Links Info

School Based Mental Health Support

Visit Info

The Big White Wall

A new on line resource for young people aged 14 plus has been developed to help support well-being. The Big White Wall is:
• An anonymous community where members can support each other
• Access 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
• Trained professionals available 24/7 to keep the community safe
• Self-assessments & recommended resources
• Creative tools to help express how you’re feeling
• Wide range of self-guided courses to do at your own pace
• You’re not alone – Community, Courses, Resources; register for free on the following link.

Visit site

LGBTQ+ Jigsaw

Links to support and information

View Info

Teenagers and Sleep - NHS

View Info

Further Support

Further Support for Mental Health:

‘A little bit of help’ is a great collection of advice and support about well-being and mental health.  It brings together advice, resources, courses for parents and links to other organisations all in one place and can be accessed by this link.


South Cumbria CAMHS have created and launched a Facebook page. They hope this page will be a way of engaging young people and their families through posting information and updates about the service and sharing relevant resources.

 You can find their Facebook page at @southcumbriaCAMHS or https://www.facebook.com/southcumbriaCAMHS/

Kooth at Christmas

Please view the following newsletters issued by Kooth (young persons support group) which details support available:

January 2024


Emotional wellbeing and mental health support

Please find below a list of Emotional Wellbeing (EWB) and Mental Health sources of advice, consultation and support for hub staff, pupils and students and their parents and carers.

Local Services

Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub:

If you are concerned about a child or young person who you believe might be at risk of harm call: 0333 240 1727

MyTime Cumbria (Barnardos) Primary Care Mental Health Service: 

Initial telephone advice can be obtained from the Primary Mental Health Workers who can be contacted as below:
nikki.swan@barnardos.org.uk   (Tel 07510 586358) Mon – Fri annabel.nicholls@barnardos.org.uk (Tel 07599 500347) Weds – Fri

Referrals can be made directly by contacting MyTime on the number below:
MyTime Cumbria Telephone: 01539 742626 (Working Days: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm) or email MyTimeCumbria@barnardos.org.uk
My Time will continue to triage with CAMHS on a daily basis and will also support Early Help to ensure that young people referred to services access the correct service at the earliest opportunity.  They will continue to offer online and telephone support to professionals across the County and support them with identifying suitable and relevant interventions that are available.

Young Minds: The Young Minds Website has a parents and professionals section as well as advice and moderated blogs for young people and a free telephone. 
Parents Helpline Tel: 0808 802 5544.

Kooth.com online support for young people: Kooth is a web-based confidential support service available to young people aged 11 to 18yrs, providing a safe and secure means of accessing mental health and wellbeing support designed specifically for young people. It offers the opportunity to have a text-based conversation with a qualified counsellor.
Counsellors are available from 12noon to 10pm on weekdays and 6pm to 10 pm at weekends, every day of the year on a drop-in basis. Young people can access regular booked online counselling sessions as needed. Outside counselling hours’ young people can message our team and get support by the next day. Support can be gained through counselling and also articles, forums and discussion boards.  All content is age appropriate, clinically approved and fully moderated.
To find out more visit www.Kooth.com  where young people can register and others can find out more about the service. 
Laura Berry, Kooth Integration and Participation Worker for Cumbria can be contacted at lberry@xenzone.com or by calling 07535 088117

SAFA Self Harm Awareness for All Support Service: 

SAFA continues to work with self-harm clients. All counsellors have been trained to deliver the service. They are also able to support friends/family members that need support.  SAFA will be working across South Cumbria. 
Referrals are accepted via their website at https://safa-selfharm.com/referral-forms/

5 – 19 School Age Public Health Nurse Practitioner Service: E-school Nurse it is now available for professionals AND parents across the age ranges – however it is about general health needs not just mental health.  See attached for details.
5-19 PH Website – the team are constantly updating with information and ideas on their website.  https://www.cumbria.gov.uk/ph5to19/

CAMHS Support (North Cumbria): Where CYP are experiencing serious mental health issues (currently as staffing allows). The West Team can be contacted on 01900 603985.  The East Team (includes Carlisle) can be contacted on 01228 608870.

North Cumbria Crisis Assessment and Intervention Service (CAIS): Where young people feel they are in a mental health crisis, referrals can be made by any professional (with appropriate permissions) by ringing 01228 603964. Telephone assessment and support will be given initially.  Available 9am-8pm Monday-Friday and 9am-1pm Saturday and Sunday. (This service is now part of the Adult MH Crisis Service). 

South Cumbria CAMHS (South Lakeland & Barrow): For advice and support please ensure that in the first instance your worries about a child/young person with an escalating mental health difficulty, are discussed with a My Time Primary Mental Health Worker (contact details at the top of page) or a senior Health Practitioner or Social Worker.  They will advise if a referral to Specialist CAMHS is the appropriate next step and support you through that referral process.

Child Bereavement UK: Support for children and young people who are grieving and specific advise in relation to COVID-19. Help lines available.


CancerCare:  Services for all who are affected by cancer.

Community Helpline: Call – 03330150628 Text – 07860018278

Email – CancerCareCan@cancercare.org.uk

Volunteers will help with shopping, prescriptions and anything else you might need if you aren’t able to get out of the house.

The CancerCare counselling service is available over the phone by calling:

Kendal – 01539735800 or Barrow – 01229836926


School Nurses

The School Nurses are running a telephone/video service which is being run by Louise Pearson and Charlotte Thompson:  Louise.Pearson@ncic.nhs.uk Charlotte.Thompson2@ncic.nhs.uk

The E-School Nurse clinics are running every Tuesday and Thursday but appointments can be made anytime in the week as CHOC do the admin for them.  The will offer advice about any physical health needs as well as mental health.

Birchall Trust

Online and phone counselling available to under 18’s who have survived rape and sexual abuse in South Cumbria and North Lancashire call 01229 820 828 or email enquiries@birchalltrust.org.uk

Helplines and web chat


FamilyLine – Family members aged 18 years old and over from anywhere in England, Wales and the Isle of Man can get in touch with the service for free via telephone, text message, web chat or email, using the details below. (Mon – Fri 9am – 9pm) Telephone: 0808 802 6666, Text message: 07537 404 282, Email: familyline@family-action.org.uk, Live web chat https://www.family-action.org.uk/what-we-do/children-families/familyline/


Quell – Online counselling and emotional wellbeing service for adults and those in carers roles Website  https://xenzone.com/qwell/


Papyrus – prevention of young suicide Website https://papyrus-uk.org/ Phone 0800 068 4141

Childline— online or telephone counselling service Website www.childline.org.uk  Phone 0800 1111

The Mix – Online, social or telephone service for any challenges young people might be facing – from mental health to homelessness or money problems. Website www.themix.org.uk Phone 0808 808 4994


Anxiety UK – helps those suffering with anxiety disorders www.anxietyuk.org.uk Phone 08444 775 775 (weekdays 0930 – 1730) Text service 07537 416 905

No Panic – organisation which helps people who suffer from panic attacks, phobias, OCD, and other related anxiety disorders Website www.nopanic.org.uk Youth helpline – 0330 606 1174 (Weekdays 1500 – 1800)

Samaritans ‘We offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you. You don’t have to be suicidal.’ Website www.samaritans.org.uk Phone: 116 123 (anytime)