
Numeracy Policy
Literacy Policy

We are very fortunate to have recently introduced the Lexia Reading Programme The aim is to enable students of all ages and abilities to master essential reading skills. Baseline reading, spelling and comprehension tests are undertaken as the student starts and progress is monitored and tracked. It can also predict student’s performance for end of year and supplies teachers with a plan of action based on the data that are personalised for each student.

Benefits for students:

• Improved literacy skills therefore enabling student’s to engage better in other subjects
• Age appropriate content and graphics
• Motivates the reluctant learner
• Improves basic reading skills
• Students learn independently
• Works at the pace of the individual
• Instant feedback is provided on progress
• Certificates celebrate success
• Promotes a sense of achievement, confidence and independence

Students are also withdrawn on a 1:1 basis for numeracy skills, handwriting and personalised literacy intervention.