Make Your Mark 2016
Pupils at the Unit are taking part in Make Your Mark Youth Parliament.
Make Your Mark is the UK’s largest youth consultation. In 2015, we reached the incredible total of nearly a million votes collected from every corner of the UK!
What actually is Make Your Mark and how does it work?
Make Your Mark is a consultation of what’s important to young people across the UK and what issues they care about the most. These range from votes at 16 and mental health services, to the living wage and youth services. Young people choose they’re top issue from a choice of ten on the ballot paper.
How do young people vote?
Voting will be taking place at school. This will be by using ballot papers.
How are the issues on the ballot paper decided? What happens to the result?
The ten issues that appear on the ballot paper are chosen by the UK Youth Parliament (UKYP). In a priority ballot, Members of Youth Parliament (MYPs) choose the most important issues facing their constituent young people and the top ten are put onto the ballot paper. Once the results are in, the top five issues as voted for by young people on the ballot paper are then taken to be debated by UKYP. This is done at their annual House of Commons sitting, which is televised on BBC Parliament every November. This year’s debate will be held on November 11th.
The results will be entered online by the 5th Oct
If you would like any more information about Youth Parliament please use the following link