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South Cumbria Pupil Referral Unit
22 Jan 2021

*IMPORTANT* Remote Learning

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We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. However, we have needed to make adaptations in some subjects. For example, where a subject is practically based (design and technology, catering and so on) work may be research or planning based.


We expect that the work we set will take around 3 hours per day.  As this is shorter than a normal school day we encourage pupils to spend the remainder of the time taking daily exercise, reading for pleasure, doing creative tasks, cooking or other life skill activities. are offering free audio books and Oak National Academy free books to read online.


In most cases differentiated work will be emailed directly to parents.  If necessary printed copies can be requested or ICT equipment provided.  For some lessons, staff will be using Microsoft Teams to contact pupils.  The work will also link other online resources such as BBC bitesize, Oak National Academy and Corbett Maths.  Other websites may be provided as sources for particular research tasks.  For some year groups or subjects textbooks or work books will also be sent out.


We would like parents to encourage pupils to attend where possible as we are open for pupils.  Where pupils are learning remotely, we ask that parents encourage pupils to complete and return the work and ask that you speak to staff during the weekly welfare and education phone calls or home visits to discuss any issues so that appropriate support can be provided to resolve any difficulties.  Subject staff are available to provide help when necessary in follow up calls.


Work can be returned by email, post or directly to staff when home visiting.  Returning work is vital for us to be able to mark and assess.  We will email any feedback.


Where a pupil is self-isolating they will have the same provision as other pupils not attending school.  If pupils leave school with symptoms we will send them with a work pack in the first instance.  If we are informed that a pupil needs to stay at home, we will provide work within two school days.  However, there is no expectation to complete work if pupils are unwell.