
Useful Links

You may find it useful to access the following links. Each provides information and guidance in a range of areas related to children and young people’s education.

Term Dates

A comprehensive list of term dates for schools in Cumbria

Visit link

Ofsted Parent View

As a parent, you can give your view about your childs school

Visit link


This site will help you understand and support your child.

Visit Link

Department for Education

Schools, colleges and children’s services for behavior and attendance

Visit link


Practical advice on how to get started and keep going

Visit Link

AQA Past Papers

Find past papers and mark schemes for your exams, and specimen papers

Visit Link

WJEC Past Papers

Find past papers and mark schemes for your exams, and specimen papers

Visit Link

Safer Internet

e-safety tips, advice and resources to help young people stay safe online

Visit link

Think you know

Provides resources, training and support for professionals and young people

Visit link


Fearless is a service that allows you to pass on information about crime

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