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South Cumbria Pupil Referral Unit
15 Mar 2019

National CSE Awareness Day

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Please see the below information issued by the local Police:


It is National CSE Awareness Day on Monday 18th March, and we are having another live Facebook chat – 8-10pm on Monday evening (18th). We will be including criminal exploitation in this, where children are forced into criminality as well as sexual activity.


A group of expert professionals will be available to answer questions and this can be done anonymously if necessary.


This is ideal for any young people or parents who would like to know more about this really serious issue.


County Lines, Forced Shoplifting and Child Sexual Exploitation is happening in Cumbria. It is affecting our young people and is causing them a lot of harm.


The link to the site is:                                   


The hashtag #CSEAwarenessCumbria will be used throughout the event.