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South Cumbria Pupil Referral Unit
12 Jul 2023

Morgan Sindall Work Experience


The Morgan Sindall work experience this year was held in school, this was because we couldn’t get site passes for the Bae site. An advert was put out to students to apply for taking part in the experience. Students applications were seen by Katie Simpson our Enterprise Co-ordinator and a senior Environmental Adviser from Morgan Sindall to choose who to interview to take part.

Informal teams interviews  took place on Tuesday 14th 10.15 onwards.

Week 1

  • Students had presentations from various staff from Morgan Sindall
  • Watched a video about Morgan Sindall about the Barrow project
  • Katie’s job role and were able to ask direct questions to her and her colleagues
  • Were introduced to the hedgehog project
  • Were given a lesson in tech drawing- given a specification and chose teams to work in

Week 2

  • Students completed their designs
  • Measure out materials based on the designs and put their designs together- with joiners and engineers from Morgan Sindall
  • Later in week 2 students placed their boxes into the wellness woods

Week 3

  • Students presented their business plans and received certificates for participation