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South Cumbria Pupil Referral Unit
15 Oct 2019

Mental Health Working Group

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The Mental Health Working Group met for the first time before the holidays.  We hope to continue on from HelloYellow week and World Mental Health Day and plan further activities to keep raising the profile of mental health across the service.  We’ll be using the experiences of some well-known personalities who have been open about their own mental health difficulties alongside visits / workshops provided by outside speakers.

For the week beginning 4th November, there will be some resources provided for use in form times based on Tyson Fury’s experience of depression.

On the afternoon of Thursday 7th November, two one hour resilience workshops are planned.  This will be delivered by an outside organisation which employs ex-military personnel who were injured in the line of duty and uses their experience of coming to terms with their, often life changing, injuries as a way to start a discussion about how the pupils can better face their challenges.