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South Cumbria Pupil Referral Unit
4 Dec 2017

Cumbria Youth Commission

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Pupils at the PRU have an exciting opportunity to join the Cumbria Youth Commission.

Students will be informed about this during their Citizenship lessons and application forms will be available from Mrs Kemp.

Please view the below for more information or feel free to call Mrs Kemp to discuss on 01229 407470.


CUMBRIA YOUTH COMMISSION are looking for new young people to join the commission.

Do you know a young person who would be interested?

Young Cumbria is working in partnership with Cumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner and Cumbria Police to support the development of the Cumbria Youth Commission.   The project aims to enable young people aged 14-25 to inform decisions about policing and crime prevention in Cumbria.   We are currently in the second year of the project and are keen to recruit more young people.   The youth commission is looking for young people who;


  • Are passionate about making a difference in their community
  • Want to raise and act on issues that are important to them
  • Might not like the police! This is your chance to have your say
  • Are interested in a career with the police later in life
  • Are looking to volunteer and develop their CV


If you work with young people who would like to apply to become a member of the commission, a copy of our application form can be downloaded here. Alternatively if your young people would like to know more about this project before they apply, we are happy to come along and speak to potential candidates.

For more information or to arrange a visit, please contact:

We are also looking to work with organisations from across the county to help gather information for the commission, this will inform the research of the youth commission and enhance the county’s response to matters relating to policing and crime and their impact on young people. If you would like to chat about how your organisation can support us, please get in touch!